Collection Categories
Collection Categories are to help account Admins organise the Collections in your HIVO account.
Last updated
Collection Categories are to help account Admins organise the Collections in your HIVO account.
Last updated
Categories can be added to Collections from the Settings menu in a Collection. 😘 Group by Category allows you to group Collections by Category in an intuitive way, useful when you have lots of Collections in your account. You can set Collection Categories through Collection Page or Collection Detail Page.
In the Collection Page, select one or more Collections you want to sort => Select 'Action' => Select 'Edit Categories'.
The 'Edit Categories' window appears, you can sort the Collection into available Categories or create invitations by entering the name 'Categories'.
Or you can directly drag and drop the collection into Categories:
You can also organize assets into categories from the collection detail page of an existing collection.
👉 Go to the details page of the Collection you want to add or edit the Category on => Click the 3 dots icon (...) and select 'Details' => Select 'Edit Info'.
👉 In the Categories section, select or create the appropriate Category for your Collection.
To select an existing Category, click in the space where it says 'Type and hit Enter'.
To create a new Category, simply type in the space where it says 'Type and hit Enter' and hit 'Enter' key to create the catefory.
👉 Click 'Save' to update the Collection information.
An example, marketing Project: You can create a "Brand" Category and add project names as sub-categories inside. This helps group Collections related to each of your marketing projects.
At the same time, you can perform the following actions with Category to make management easier (Click the arrow in the circle to open the action window)
Open Category
Rename Category
Move Category
Edit Thumbnail Category
Edit Collection Permission
Tip: To organize your Collection effectively, use a combination of Main Category and Sub-Category in a clear hierarchy.
An example main category "Brand" + Sub label by project name (Example: "Mockup - Summer 2024 Project").
Using Categories makes it easy to search Collections by topic.
You can edit or delete Categories at any time.
Using Categories, you can effectively organize and manage Collections on HIVO, making it easier to find and access information. To switch to Category view, select the tag icon at the top right of the Collection Detail page.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, we're always here to help!