Tasks can be used to organize an event or goal.
Last updated
Tasks can be used to organize an event or goal.
Last updated
A task is a clearly defined unit of work that helps you organize, manage, and track work progress effectively.
The Task summary page can be found by clicking Tasks (the two ticks icon) in the left main nav bar (shown in the below image with a red rectangle). The Task summary page includes two main parts:
Part 1: Search bar (you can search by keyword or filter), and tools include Refresh, Create Task, Task Display (can toggle between kanban or list format views), Task Settings (select options and details that display in the Tasks table or board)
Part 2: Task management area, provides an overview of all the tasks that your user account has access to.
👉 Inside the Task Detail Page of each task, the following information can be entered and tracked:
Task name
Brief description of the work to be done
Details of the work to be performed, including requirements, goals,...
Due date
The deadline for completing the work
Person in charge
The team member assigned to carry out the work
Completion progress of the job (eg: Newly created, In progress, Completed,...)
Helps classify and manage tasks by topic or project
Work-related files
Notes about work
List of items that need to be completed in a job
A place to exchange information, update progress and record comments related to work
Create New Tasks
How to create new tasks and assign tasks to members
Task Actions
Select and perform actions on one or multiple tasks
View and Finding Task
How to view and search created tasks
Task Detail Page
Display and edit detailed information of created tasks