User Profile
The User Profile is where all the settings for a given User can be configured, such as their User Rights or name.
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The User Profile is where all the settings for a given User can be configured, such as their User Rights or name.
Last updated
Your own profile can be found by clicking on your profile icon in the top right and selecting ‘Profile’, or other users can be found under the Client Profile in the ‘Users’ tab.
Admin accounts will be able to use the ‘Impersonate User’ option in the User Profile page of other Users to view HIVO from their perspective. While impersonating a user, any action taken will be from the impersonated User and reloading the browser will return you to your own profile.
Administrators can set the User Rights of other Users inside their User Profile (Client Profile => Users tab), by clicking Edit User Rights.
In the rights editor you can toggle on/off each User Right and click SAVE at the bottom or even at the top right of the page to save your changes.
Alternatively you could opt to assign User Rights to an entire group. All users inside a Group will inherit the Group's allocated rights, and this can act as a useful way to give a baseline level of access to users. See: Groups for more details. Allocating rights on a per-user level should be used for those users that need a specific configuration.
A full list of User Rights can be found here.
NOTE: The number next to each right describes whether the right is Light (1), Regular (2), or Heavy (3). See: Types of Users for more information.
Next, click the User to fill out additional details (e.g. email, phone, avatar).
Once you have populated the name and email field, assign the User to the relevant User Group that they should be in. Note that new users won’t be Active (able to login) or have any other User Rights by default, so you’ll need to add them to a Group with the 'User is Acitve' User Right switched on, or edit the individual users User Rights from their profile page and ensure this right is toggled on.
Finally, once you have created the new user (name, email address and assigned a User Group that has the Active User right switched on as a minimum), you may send them an invite to allow them to login. See: Inviting a User section below on how to invite a User.
To invite a user, navigate to Client Profile and click an existing user under Users. Under More, click the Invite User via Email button if you want an email to automatically be sent to the User containing invitation instructions.
You may also click Generate Invite URL if you would like to generate a unique URL which can be copied and sent to somebody for activation. The User will be asked to set a password once they receive the invitation.
You may invite a User as many times as you like, and may want to re-invite a User if they didn’t receive the invitation email, or if they forgot their password.
To permanently remove a User, navigate to Client Profile and find the relevant User Profile under the Users tab. Click the User to view their profile and under More click Delete User. This button will only appear if you have the relevant User Rights to remove User Profiles.
You may alternatively deactivate a User rather than permanently delete them. This means the user cannot login to HIVO, and will encounter a screen saying “Your account is awaiting activation”.
Navigate to Client Profile click the User Profile to view their profile, and click Edit User Rights. Untick the Active left checkbox and click Submit to save changes.
You don’t need to untick any of their permissions other than ‘Active’ to deacitivate the user account.
To add Users to your existing Client, navigate to the Users tab of the Client Profile and click the plus icon next to the search bar.
The deactivated user account will appear with the icon next to it.