Upload Links
Upload Links allow external non-HIVO users to upload to your Library under restricted conditions, and can be created/modified by Client Admins.
Last updated
Upload Links allow external non-HIVO users to upload to your Library under restricted conditions, and can be created/modified by Client Admins.
Last updated
The Upload Links features in HIVO allows external users (eg. users without a HIVO account) to upload assets directly into the library under controlled conditions and pre-defined settings. Typically upload links are created and managed by client Admins, providing a secure way for external users to contribute assets into the account they manage by setting specific conditions such as expiration dates, maximum uploads, and approval requirements, you can ensure that the uploaded content meets your library’s standards.
Navigate to the Library and click 'Add Assets' and then 'Create Upload Link' and then follow the process of configuring the settings for the new Upload Links which involves two steps: Link Settings and Asset Settings. Once you have f
Like Shared Links (used to share Assets outside of HIVO), Upload Links also have an expiration date. Once the selected date arrives, the link will expire and will no longer be accessible.
To limit unwanted access, Upload Links allows setting a maximum limit on the amount of uploads that can be uploaded with this link. If you do not enter any quantity, the number of files allowed to be uploaded is unlimited.
You can also enter a description that will appear at the top of the Upload window for end users before they start adding files.
👉 For example, if you only expect users to upload a few files, you can set the limit to 20. When this number is 20 file the link will automatically expire.
The settings here will be applied to all uploaded files received from the link. For example, if you add a Collection, all Assets will be added to it.
The recipients of the link will be able to input metadata in the guest uploader, such as a description or copyright, including any custom inputs that've been configured. The 'Tag Assets' step can be optionally disabled if wanted.
One of the important settings recommended to be enabled is the "Requires Approval" checkbox - this feature will send all Assets to the Approvals area. This helps moderate incoming Assets and ensure they are tagged correctly, in the correct folder, etc.
To view your created upload links from within the Library, you can switch to the "Existing Links" tab after clicking the 'Add Assets' button and then 'Create Upload Link'. Here you will see all upload links created from the Library. You can also view more detailed Upload link information (including all other link types and the options you set when creating the link) via the Links feature.
Upload Links can currently be found in the following areas:
In the Library by clicking the cloud icon in the top right.
In a Collection using the create upload link icon seen below. This will prefill the Asset Settings step with the Collection pre-selected.
In a Task by clicking the create upload link at the bottom of the Task. This will pre-fill the Asset Settings step in the Upload Link settings with the Task pre-selected.
Controlled Access: Set expiration dates and upload limits to manage the content being uploaded.
Detailed Settings: Configure asset settings to ensure uploaded files are correctly categorized and metadata is properly added.
Approval Workflow: Use the "Requires Approval" feature to moderate assets.
Easy Management: View, edit, and delete upload links from the "Existing Links" tab or the Links section.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, we're always here to help!