
The Upload tool is a core feature of the HIVO platform.

Uploading Assets to your library is the first step for you to start managing your assets more easily 😘. And here are some important things to keep in mind when you upload new assets on HIVO:

  • Make sure you have the 'Can Upload Assets' permission. This permission is granted by the HIVO administrator.

  • Prepare your asset files: HIVO supports many different file formats, including images, videos, audio and documents.

  • Identify the metadata information you want to add to your asset. Metadata information will help you easily search and manage assets later.

Explore Upload Asset's features right here

Uploading New Asset

New asset uploads to the HIVO's library

Remove Duplicates on Upload

Remove duplicate assets during the upload process

Renaming Assets on Upload

How to batch rename assets or file names when loading new assets

Upload Queue and Errors

How assets are queued after a user clicks submit to HIVO via the Upload tool

Last updated