All digital files (eg. documents, photos, videos and audio files) stored within HIVO are named Assets.
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All digital files (eg. documents, photos, videos and audio files) stored within HIVO are named Assets.
Last updated
To upload Assets to HIVO, a user will need to be Active and have the light user right ‘Can Upload Assets’. Click the ‘Upload’ cloud icon in the left nav bar to access the Uploader, or alternatively click the Upload icon in the Library / Collection Detail pages. The Uploader will allow you to upload multiple Assets at once (called a batch), and perform an array of actions on those uploads, such as adding new metadata fields or running facial recognition on detected people in images. The uploading process is comprised of 3 steps:
Add Assets - Selecting files.
Tagging Assets - Adding manual tags.
Asset Details - Adding additional information (e.g. copyright), assigning permissions, running automations etc.
On the ‘Add Assets step, you can either drag files/folders onto the browser, or click the respective ‘Add Files’ or ‘Add Folder’ button. If you are uploading a folder, the folder structure will be retained within HIVO, unless you deliberately set a new path in the ‘Asset Details’ step.
You may have duplicate files detected when selecting assets that already exist in your Library. If this happens, you can click the ‘View Duplicates’ button to see the asset comparisons, and optionally discard them from the ‘Add Assets’ selection.
Duplicates are detected by comparing attributes such as file name, size etc. There is a chance that a duplicate found could be a false positive and be different.
When you’ve chosen the Assets to be uploaded into your Library, click ‘Next’. In the ‘Tag Assets’ step, you can add tags to all assets in the selection. It’s recommended that you add as many relevant tags as possible here, as you’ll be able to later be able to search these assets by the tag values, which will help you better organize your data. For example, you might add tags for the event name or department that the Assets were from.
Click the question mark icon in the top right of the ‘Tag Assets’ step to find information on how to tag only some of the Assets.
The default manual tag options shown can be modified by Admins in the Client Profile => Settings => Categories. You’ll also find the ‘Blacklisted Tags’ settings here, which will prevent specified values from being generated by automated tagging.
Note: In the next step, you’ll be able to run the ‘Tag Prediction’ and ‘Face Detection’ automations. This means that you don’t need to create manual tags for things like labelling people or objects in the file.
The next step of the uploading process is to add additional information to the Asset selection. Note that these settings will apply to all of the selected assets. Be sure to enter as much detail in the Asset Information section as possible, as the more granular you are with your Asset information, the easier it will be to find the Assets you are uploading at a later date.
It’s recommended to leave the ‘Tag Prediction’, ‘Face Detection’, ‘Create Thumbnail’ and ‘Create Web Version’ automation options ticked on.
There’s a number of input fields here:
Description - This will be added to each Asset’s metadata.
Copyright - This will be added to each Asset’s metadata.
License - This will be added to each Asset’s metadata.
Attached Asset - Select a related Asset such as a release form. You will be able to see related assets under the ‘Related’ section of the Asset Detail page. The ‘+’ icon on the selector will allow you to attach a new asset that doesn't exist on HIVO.
Task - Add the Assets to a given Task.
Collections - Add the Assets to a given Collection.
Folder Path - Enter in a new folder path for the Assets. This will overwrite any existing folder structures on the Assets if set.
Production Date - Optionally add when the Asset was created. You will be able to search for these Assets by production time range in the Library and elsewhere if this has been set.
Location - Add a location for where the Assets were created (which later can be searched by).
Permissions - Assign permissions to Users for the Asset selection.
Archive Date - Set a date at which the Assets will automatically expire and become archived.
Sensitive - Mark the Assets as being sensitive.
Tag Prediction - Automatic tags will be added to the Assets.
Face Detection - See: Recognition.
Create Thumbnail - A ‘thumbnail’ Version will be added to each asset. This version is a 300x300 .jpeg with a small (~15kb) file size, which will be used as a small preview within HIVO (e.g. in the Library).
Create Web Version - A ‘web’ version will be added to image Assets. This version will retain the image aspect ratio, but be scaled down to have a maximum width/height of 2048px in order to reduce the file size and load faster.
Create Watermark Version - See: Watermarking.
Create Custom - For image Assets, create a ‘custom’ version. Clicking the checkbox will open a list of properties for this version, such as the image type or height/width.
Skip Approval Step for Uploads - (Admin only) See: Approvals.
Admins can add additional metadata fields and set the default value given to the permissions field by going to the Client Profile => settings tab => uploader settings.
When you are done editing these settings, click the ‘Start Upload’ button at the bottom of the form.
Once you’ve started the upload, you’ll be brought to the Upload Queue, where you’ll be able to manage the upload and view its progress. You don’t have to stay on this page within HIVO, but do have to leave HIVO open in the browser whilst the upload is ongoing. The Upload Queue can be accessed by clicking the progress indicator next to your company name in the top right (shown within the red rectangle in the below image).
Under the ‘Queue’ tab, you’ll see sections for ‘In Progress’ and ‘Queue’. You can pause/resume the upload by clicking the icon next to the ‘In Progress’ heading.
The ‘Queue’ section will show the order in which Assets will start uploading (Assets at the top of the queue will be added to ‘In Progress’ next). You can click the up arrow next to Assets to push them to the front of the queue.
You can remove Assets from the upload by clicking the ‘X’ icon - use the icon next to an Asset name for just that Asset, or next to the ‘Queue’ heading for all remaining Assets.
The ‘Errored’ tab will show Assets that failed to upload. This can be for a number of reasons, most commonly due the Asset being empty (had a file size of 0), or a weak internet connection. You can add these Assets back to the Upload Queue by clicking the ‘Retry’ arrow icon.
In the ‘Successful’ tab, you’ll see a list of Assets that have now been added to the Library. You can click the Asset name to navigate to that Asset’s detail page. Note: Some Versions / properties of the Asset may still be in progress. E.g. Adding automated tags and facial recognition can take several minutes.