Assets can be set to require approval from Users with the ‘Can Approve’ Regular User permission.
Last updated
Assets can be set to require approval from Users with the ‘Can Approve’ Regular User permission.
Last updated
Asset approvals will be stored under the ‘Approvals’ section (thumbs up icon in the left nav bar) instead of the Library whilst they are pending. This is particularly useful for when you want to manage non-staff users (e.g. freelancers) who have uploading permissions.
Clicking one of the batches will show all Assets in that batch, including all fields that were filled out during the uploading process (and can be modified here). Click ‘Approve Asset’ or ‘Reject Asset’ to continue. Rejecting an Asset will delete it from HIVO.
To make Assets require Approvals, Admins can toggle on the ‘New Assets are added to Upload Approvals’ option inside Client Profile => Settings => Upload/Download Settings.
Version approval of Assets can be requested/accepted in the Asset’s Detail page under the ‘Approval’ thumbs up icon. A Version is still accessible while it’s awaiting approval, and is used for internal approvals (e.g. checking if a report is OK to send out).
In the uploader’s ‘Asset Details’ step, Admin users will be able to tick the ‘Skip Approval Step for Uploads’ option under ‘Automations’. New Assets will otherwise always require approval if the required Approvals setting has been turned on.