Public CDN links
Easily share assets on HIVO with colleagues or customers by providing public CDN URLs.
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Easily share assets on HIVO with colleagues or customers by providing public CDN URLs.
Last updated
A Public CDN Link is a direct link to an asset (such as an image, video, file) hosted on a content delivery network (CDN). This means you can share this asset with anyone on the internet without having to upload it somewhere else. It's like an address to your asset, making it quick and easy for others to access.
👉 With the Public CDN URLs feature, you can easily share assets on HIVO with colleagues or customers by providing a link.
Requirements: You need to have the "Can Make asset public" and "Can make all assets public" permissions. See more about "Edit User Rights" here.
Can make asset public
Can make all assets public
Search for assets: Select a filter or enter a keyword in the search bar to find the asset you need.
View Asset Detail: Select asset and click on the asset to view details.
Switch share tab: Switch to the "Share" tab (share icon) and select "Public CDN URLs".
Create CDN: Pop up "Public CDN links" appears, you can change the public status to "ON" corresponding to the version to create Public CDN URLs. The system will automatically generate a link. You can copy and use this link immediately.
👉 👉 There are 2 ways for you to create CDN Link for multiple assets:
Create directly on the Library
Create a collection (where the assets need to be linked). This will make it easier for you to manage assets that need to create Public CDN URLs
Select multiple assets: Search and select the assets you want to create a CDN for.
Review selection: Click the "Selected" button to check the selected assets.
Click the "Action" button and select "Get Public CDN URLs".
Select version and create CDN link: A new window will appear, select the "Version" of the asset and click "Submit". The system will generate CDN links for each selected asset.
👉 Note: Each asset can have multiple versions. You should choose the appropriate version when creating a CDN link.
Select asset: Select the assets you want to include in a collection.
Create Collection: Click on the "Edit Collection" icon. Select an existing collection or create a new one.
Click "Submit" to confirm. The selected assets will be added to the collection.
Creating CDN links for assets in a collection is similar to creating links for individual assets.
Amend the of a URL search parameters by appending ?width=500 to change the width of the image to 500px
Change filetype by amending png to jpeg or webp
Append additional params with & ie: ?width=500&quality=80&fit=inside
Supported Input types:
- jpeg, png, webp, avif, gif, svg, tiff
- width (1 - 4096)
- height (1 - 4096)
- type (jpeg, png, webp)
- quality (1 - 100)
- fit (cover, contain, fill, inside, outside)
- position: (centre, center, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest)
(top, right top, right, right bottom, bottom, left bottom, left, left top)
Extra options for "cover": (entropy, attention)
- background (6-character hex color)
- withoutEnlargement ("true" to stop enlarging)
Supported Extensions:
- jpeg, png, webp
One great thing is that you can export the data (in excel or CSV format) for management or sending to partners as well as easier management.
Exporting data is very simple, after creating public CDN URLs, you select the “Action” Button and select Export Data.
Select the format and "Export" to complete.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, we're always here to help!