Task Settings
Admins can configure the settings for the Tasks feature
Last updated
Admins can configure the settings for the Tasks feature
Last updated
Task Settings allows admins to set the name of task statuses that appear in the kanban view of the tasks feature.
Why should you use Task Settings?
Unify your workflow: Make sure all tasks are categorized in a way that makes sense for your companie workflow, creating consistency and making it easy to track all work in progress.
Navigate to: Client Profile => Settings => Task Settings
Configuration options:
👉 Tasks can have a name assigned to them, such as ‘in progress’ or ‘completed’, you can customize the task statuses from a preset list of options or set your own custom names:
The statuses you configure in Task settings will appear as the statuses in the Tasks feature (eg. Draft, Ongoing, Complete, Onhold, Cancelled):
👉 You can also choose to “Limit Sample Briefs":
Once you click 'Limit Sample Briefs' you can select which of the sample briefs you would like to appear in the Briefs feature:
For example, only selecting 'Marketing Campaign' and then clicking 'Save Changes' will limit the available briefs that are selectable and useable in the Briefs feature to only the marketing campaign template brief:
If you have any questions about “Task Settings" or other features, don't hesitate to ask, we're always here to help!