Groups can be used to logically group Users together either by role in your organisation (e.g. Users part of a marketing team could be assigned to a group “Marketing”) or by access level.
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Groups can be used to logically group Users together either by role in your organisation (e.g. Users part of a marketing team could be assigned to a group “Marketing”) or by access level.
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You may optionally assign Users to any number of Groups.
See User Rights for Groups for information on the permissions and user rights that can be set at a group level.
This means you can skip having to individually allocate permissions to each user (unless they need a specific configuration), and just add them to a group such as ‘Staff’ that has a baseline level of access.
If a user is in multiple Groups, they will inherit the combined permissions of those Groups. Users will lose the Group permissions when they are removed from the Group unless they have the permission granted through another Group or their own User Rights.
Once made, Groups also can be used to quickly add people to Assets/Collections, as you will be able to allocate the group (which selects everyone in the Group) in the permission selector.
Groups are located in Client Profile. To add a new group, click the Plus Icon and enter in the desired name. You can view more detailed information on the Group and further modify its settings by clicking the 3 dots icon .
The actions bar has these following sections:
Details: Including the Name of Group, Created/Modified date, Rights, Description and Members.
Edit Group: Configure the Group’s title, description, icon, members and SSO.
Edit User Rights: Select permissions that all Users in the Group will inherit.
Uploader Settings: Manages uploading of digital assets.
Under the ‘Edit Group’ section, you can modify settings for the 'Details' section like below:
Group members. Click the selector to see a drop-down list of users that you have permission to view and start typing to filter the options.
In the Group details page, you can click the 3 dots icon to open up options to Delete Group.
Press '' to remove all the set users, or icon next to each user's name to remove specific one.