Removing and Deleting Assets
Assets can be removed from the Library, Collections or the Asset detail page.
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Assets can be removed from the Library, Collections or the Asset detail page.
Last updated
Remove Assets allows you to delete unnecessary Assets from a Library or Collection and you can choose to delete all versions of the Asset(s), or only certain versions of the Asset(s) you are deleting.
Note: Once an Asset is deleted, it is permanently removed from your Library or Collection. You will not be able to restore deleted Assets.
To be able to 'Remove Asset or Version', you need to be an active user. Only users with the following User Rights can remove or delete Assets or Versions from HIVO:
Can Remove Assets: User can remove Assets from the Library, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.
Can Remove Asset Versions: User can remove Versions from Assets, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.
To remove or delete Assets and Versions complete the following:
In Library or Collection, select the Asset you want to delete.
Click the 'Actions' (icon in the top right corner) => select the 'Remove' option.
A dialog box appears with 2 options: Remove Assets and Remove Versions. You should consider carefully before making your choice and select 'Remove Assets/ Remove Versions'
Remove Asset: this options allows users with permission to delete all versions of the Asset(s) you have selected will be deleted from HIVO.
Remove Versions: this options allows users with permission to delete a selection of the Assets Versions (eg. thumbnail, web, original, watermark or any other version that exists on the selected Assets).
Go to the Asset Details page
On the toolbar, select 'Customization' (wrench icon) => 'Remove All' to delete Asset.
If you want to delete a version, you first need to select the version you want to delete => Select 'Remove version
Note: if you or a user in your HIVO account accidently removes or deletes an asset from HIVO and wishes to restore and recover the Asset or Version of an Asset, please contact HIVO Support.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, we're always here to help!