Upload Queue and Errors
The upload queue is where you can view the progress of your upload
Last updated
The upload queue is where you can view the progress of your upload
Last updated
After starting an upload, you will be directed to the Upload Queue, where you can: ✅ Manage the upload process. ✅ Track the upload status of each file.
💡 Note:
You don’t need to stay on this page, but HIVO must remain open in your browser tab until the upload is complete.
You can access the Upload Queue by clicking the progress indicator next to your company logo in the top left corner.
Under the ‘Queue’ tab, you’ll see sections for ‘In Progress’ and ‘Queue’. You can pause/resume the upload by clicking the icon next to the ‘In Progress’ heading.
‘Queue’ Section: Displays files waiting to be uploaded.
👉 You can remove Assets from the upload by clicking the ‘X’ icon - use the icon next to an Asset name for just that Asset, or next to the ‘Queue’ heading for all remaining Assets.
👉 The ‘Queue’ section will show the order in which Assets will start uploading (Assets at the top of the queue will be added to ‘In Progress’ next). You can click the up arrow next to Assets to push them to the front of the queue.
The ‘Errored’ Tab lists files that failed to upload. Common reasons include: ❌ Empty files (0-byte size). ❌ Weak internet connection.
You can add these Assets back to the Upload Queue by clicking the ‘Retry’ arrow icon.
In the ‘Successful’ Tab, you will find a list of files that have been added to the Library. Click the Asset name to navigate to that Asset’s detail page.
💡 Note: Some properties, such as auto-tagging and facial recognition, may take a few minutes to process after upload.
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