Searching for Assets
Finding the asset easy within your HIVO library. This guide explores HIVO's Library search functionalities, empowering you to locate any asset quickly and efficiently.
Last updated
Finding the asset easy within your HIVO library. This guide explores HIVO's Library search functionalities, empowering you to locate any asset quickly and efficiently.
Last updated
Searching for Assets in the Library can be done in two ways:
Using the Search Bar: Ideal for quick searches using general keywords; and
Searching with Filters: Perfect for refined searches based on specific criteria.
These two search options can be used separately or together to help you locate assets as quickly as possible.
Locate the Search Bar at the top of your library.
Enter a general keyword relevant to your desired asset (e.g., "brand," "presentation").
Press Enter to initiate the search. The search considers asset names, tags, and descriptions (case-insensitive).
Click the "X" on the search term or use the Delete key to remove the keyword.
The Search Bar was specifically designed to deliver lightning fast search results in order to minimize the amount of time you spend searching for Assets. The general keyword search is performed against Asset names, tags, and the ‘description’ metadata field (case insensitive).
Search Filters are another way to quickly find Assets saved within your Library, and can be used for more specific searches. Search Filters can be used in combination with general keyword searches, or by themselves.
To add a Search Filter, click the down arrow on the Search bar, and select a filter that you would like to apply.
Search Filters include:
Filter by the Asset file type category (image, video, document or audio).
Assets containing the given tag.
Select a ‘added from’ or ‘produced from’ date range
Assets that have their location equal to the given value.
Filter by Assets containing a given metadata name:value pair. E.g. Author: John Doe.
Filters for Assets that have a large degree of similarity to the given colour. This may be useful when creating themed brand content.
Face Detection
Note: "Production date" is an optional field on Assets; if an Asset doesn’t contain this field and this ‘produced from’ filter is being used, it will be filtered.
You can combine multiple Search Filters for more accurate results. In the below example, a date filter is used in conjunction with a tag and user filter.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, we're always here to help!
Displays all Assets that you have in your Library.
Focus on or assets.
Choose whether you want to filter by only Assets.
Filter by Assets contained within the given .
Filter by Assets that have been added to the given .
Filter by Assets uploaded by the given
Search by face size and/or by a given person. .