Admin accounts will have access to ‘Reporting’, which can be found at the bottom of the left navbar.
Last updated
Admin accounts will have access to ‘Reporting’, which can be found at the bottom of the left navbar.
Last updated
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Here you’ll see a ‘Select Report’ selector with several options:
Rights - Displays a tree view of permissions for all Groups and Users in your Client account, which can be used as a faster method of checking user rights compared to individually going through each Group/User. Click on a component of the tree to expand it.
History - This will list all logged history entries between a given start and end range (max distance of 1 year). You can optionally filter the search by user.
Asset Usage - This report will list usage statistics across all users in your Client account, such as total Assets and downloads. There are tabs to filter by Asset type, such as image or video.
Archive - See what Assets have been Archived between a given date range (max distance of 3 months). You can then filter these results by Asset name. See: Archiving Assets for more information on what Archiving is.
Recommendations - A list of recommendations will be shown for the client account, such as if a User or Shared Link has been inactive for an extended amount of time. These suggestions will be tiered with a level of severity, and helps flag potential issues. The items in the list can be filtered by type (i.e. if the issue was flagged on a user or an Asset), entity name etc.