Library Actions
Library Actions can be performed one or more Assets to complete a certain workflow, task or action.
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Library Actions can be performed one or more Assets to complete a certain workflow, task or action.
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First select the assets, then the ACTIONS button in the top right of library will become clickable which contains a list of available actions to perform on your selected assets. Once you have clicked the ACTIONS button, the menu will appear:
The following Library Actions are available to full access Admin users once the ACTION button has been clicked (Note: Regular or Light users may not see all these options in their account due to an accounts User Rights configuration)
Favourite - See: Favourite Assets.
Nudge - See: Nudge Asset.
Share - See: Shared Links.
Rename - See: Rename Assets.
Edit Tags - Add or remove tags from all selected Assets.
Edit Metadata - Add new metadata entries to selected Assets. If an Asset already contains the added field, it will be overwritten.
Edit Folder - Enter in a new folder path for the selected Assets. In the input field, existing folders will appear as options, or you can type in a new path. Hit enter to add the value, or backspace to delete a nesting level.
Edit Related - See: Related Assets.
Edit Permissions - Modify permissions on the selected Assets.
Edit Collections - Add or remove the selected Assets from given Collections.
Edit Tasks - Add or remove the selected Assets from a given Task.
Approve - See: Approvals.
Edit Archive Date - See: Archiving Assets.
Edit Sensitive Date - See: Sensitive Assets.
Edit License Expiry Date - See: License Expiry Settings.
Remove - See: Removing Assets (Note: You can contact to recover accidentally deleted Assets).
Detect Tags - Generate automatic tags on the selected Assets.
Detect Faces - Runs facial recognition on selected assets.
Create Thumbnail Versions - Generates a 300x300 .jpeg Version with a minimal download size (~15kb). This Version is used across HIVO for small previews, such as in the Library.
Create Web Versions - Generated a scaled down version of the image Assets for reduced file size, down to a max width of 2048px. The dimensions will be retained.
Export Data - See Export Data.