Upload Links
Upload Links allow external non-HIVO users to upload to your Library under restricted conditions, and can be created/modified by Client Admins.
Last updated
Upload Links allow external non-HIVO users to upload to your Library under restricted conditions, and can be created/modified by Client Admins.
Last updated
The link creation process is comprised of 2 steps; link settings and Asset settings.
Like Shared Links (used to share Assets externally from HIVO), Upload Links have an expiry date on them. At the start of the selected day, the link will expire and become inaccessible. In order to limit potentially unwanted access, Upload Links also have a maximum capacity for the amount of uploads that can be made through a single link. E.g. if you’re only expecting a user to upload a few files, then you might set the limit to 20. You may also input a description that’ll appear at the top of the Uploader for the end user before they start adding files.
Settings found here will be applied to all uploads received from the link. E.g. if you add a Collection, then all Assets will be added to it. One of the key settings that’s recommended to be left turned on is the ‘Requires Approval’ checkbox - which will send all Assets to the Approvals area. This will help with moderating incoming Assets and ensuring they are correctly tagged, have the right folder etc.
The recipients of the link will be able to input metadata in the guest uploader, such as a description or copyright, including any custom inputs that've been configured. The 'Tag Assets' step can be optionally disabled if wanted.
Upload Links can currently be found in the following areas:
In the Library by clicking the cloud icon in the top right.
In a Collection using the icon seen below. This will refill the Asset Settings step with the Collection.
In a Task by clicking its respective button on the bottom right. This will refill the Asset Settings step with the Task.