List of User Rights

HIVO provides a range of User Rights that can be issued to Users of the system. The User Rights a User has determines what the User can and cannot do.

Please note that each User Right comes under one of three categories, depending on how influential the User Right is:

Light (Level 1.) - The Right grants weak permissions.

Regular (Level 2.) - The Right grants regular permissions.

Heavy (Level 3.) - The Right grants strong permissions.

A complete list of the User Rights that exist in HIVO are as follows:

Accounts General

  1. Active.

User can Login to HIVO.

  1. Can see Client Profile.

User can view the "Client Profile" page.

  1. Is Client Admin.

User can manage the Client Profile.

  1. Can Manage Partners.

User can manage Partners under Client Profile.

  1. Can View Billing.

User has access to Client billing information.

  1. Can Edit Billing.

User can modify Client billing information.

  1. Can view Reports page.

User can view Reports for the Account.

Assets General

  1. Can View Assets.

User has access to Assets, and can view Assets they have permission to see.

  1. Can View Library.

User has access to the Library Page.

  1. Can View Image Editor.

User has access to the Image editor.

  1. Not restricted to Approved-Only Versions.

Users are not restricted to viewing approved-only versions.

  1. Can View Image Original Versions.

User can view/download Original Versions on image Assets.

  1. Can Upload Assets.

User can upload new Assets, or upload Versions to Assets they have permission for.

  1. Can Edit Assets.

User can Edit Information for Assets they have "Edit" permission on.

  1. Can Share Assets.

User can create Shared Links for assets they have "Full Access" to.

  1. Can add Assets to Collections.

User can add/remove Assets from Collections, if they have "Full Access" on both the Assets and the Collections.

  1. Can add Assets to Tasks.

User can add/remove Assets from Tasks, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.

  1. Can predict Captions on Assets.

User run the "Predict Caption" action on Assets they have "Edit" permission on.

  1. Can edit Asset Permissions.

User can edit an Asset's Permissions, if they have "Full Access" on the Asset.

  1. Can select Group Permissions.

User can select Groups when editing an Asset's Permissions.

  1. Can Remove Assets.

User can remove Assets from the Library, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.

  1. Can Remove Asset Versions.

User can remove Versions from Assets, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.

  1. Can view Archived Assets.

User can view Assets with the Archived status, if they have permission to see them.

  1. Can Archive Assets.

User can Archive Assets, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.

  1. Can Make Assets Sensitive.

User can make Assets Sensitive, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.

  1. Can view Sensitive Assets.

User can view Assets with the Sensitive status, if they have permission to see them.

  1. Can Approve Assets.

Can approve Assets, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.

  1. Can view License Expired Assets.

User can view Assets with the License Expired status, if they have permission to see them.

  1. Can Change Asset's License Expiry Date

User can set the date for the License Expired status, if they have "Full Access" on the Assets.

  1. Can select Account Permissions.

User can select the whole Account when editing an Asset's Permissions. This gives the permission to everyone.

  1. Can Make Assets Public

Can make Assets Publicly available via CDN.

SETTING. Can Makes Shared Links have Unlimited Expiry.

User can select the 'never' expiry option when creating/editing shared links.

Assets Admin

  1. Can View All Assets.

Can view all assets in the library.

  1. Can add Versions to All Assets.

Can insert versions for any asset in the library.

  1. Can Edit All Assets.

Can edit information for any asset in the library.

  1. Can edit All Asset Permissions.

Can edit permissions for any asset in the library.

  1. Can assign Any Assets to Collections.

Can attach a collection to any asset in the library.

  1. Can assign Any Assets to Tasks.

Can attach Assets to any Task in the Account.

  1. Can Remove All Asset Versions.

Can remove any asset version from the library.

  1. Can Remove All Assets.

Can remove any asset from the library.

  1. Can Archive All Assets.

Can archive any asset in the library.

  1. Can Make All Assets Sensitive.

Can make any asset in the library sensitive.

  1. Can Change Asset's License Expiry Date for All Assets.

Can set the 'License Expired' date for any asset in the library.

  1. Can Share All Visible Assets.

Can share any asset visible to the user, via shared links.

  1. Can Approve All Assets.

Can approve any asset in the library.

  1. Can Make All Assets Public

Can make any asset Publicly available in the library, via CDN.

Asset Editor

1. Can View Image Editor.

User has access to the Image editor.

  1. Can Edit Image Editor InDesign Templates.

User can edit InDesign Templates using the Edit button.

  1. Can View & Select All Elements.

User has access to all elements inside the Image editor.

  1. Can Create Templates.

User can create and modify Draft Templates.

  1. Can Create & Delete Saved Elements.

User can save new elements, or delete existing ones if they can view them.

  1. Can View All Templates.

User can view all Templates in My Templates section.

  1. Can Publish Templates.

User can create Published Templates, publish Draft Templates.

  1. Can Approve Templates.

User can approve Template Approvals.

  1. Can Update Any Templates.

User can edit, duplicate any Templates.

  1. Can Delete Any Templates.

User can delete any Templates.

SETTING. Must use Image Editor Templates.

User can only select & edit from saved templates in the Image Editor.

Pinned Folders

  1. Can View Pinned Folders.

User can see all pinned Folders within the Library and Collections.

  1. Can Edit Pinned Folders.

User can create new pinned Folders, or pin existing Folders.

Collections General

1. Can View Collections.

User has access to the Collections page, and can view Collections they have permission to see.

  1. Can Create Collections.

User can create new Collections from the Collections page.

  1. Can Edit Collections.

User can edit basic information on Collections (Name, Description, etc.).

  1. Can Edit Collection Contents.

User can add/remove Assets for Collections, if they have "Full Access" on both the Collections and the Assets.

  1. Can Share Collections.

User can create Shared Links for Collections, if they have "Full Access" on the Collections.

  1. Can Edit Collection Permissions.

User can edit Permissions on Collections, if they have "Full Access" on the Collections.

  1. Can Remove Collections.

User can remove Collections, if they have "Full Access" on the Collections.

  1. Can Make Collections Public.

User can make Collections Public, if they have "Full Access" on the Collections.

SETTING. Must upload to Collection.

User must select a Collection when uploading new Assets to the Library.

Collections Admin

  1. Can View All Collections.

Can view all Collections in the Account.

  1. Can Edit All Collections.

Can edit any Collection in the Account.

  1. Can Edit All Collection Contents.

User can add/remove Assets for any Collection in the Account.

  1. Can Edit All Collections Permissions.

User can edit Permissions on any Collections in the Account.

  1. Can Remove All Collections.

Can remove any Collection in the Account.

  1. Can Share All Collections.

Can share any Collection in the Account.

  1. Can make All Collections Public.

Can make any Collection public in the Account.

Collection Categories

  1. Can View All Empty Collection Categories.

User can see all Collection Categories that have a thumbnail.

  1. Can Edit Collection Category Thumbnails.

Can update the thumbnail image for any Collection Category they can see in the Account.

Client Users

  1. Can see Other Users.

User can Nudge and Mention other users in the Account.

  1. Can Edit Other Users.

User can edit information on other Users.

  1. Can Create New Users.

User can create new Users in the Account.

  1. Can Invite Users.

User can invite any existing user via Email or invite URLs.

  1. Can Edit User Emails.

User can edit Email Addresses of existing Users.

  1. Can Edit User Rights.

User can edit User Rights of other Users.

  1. Can Remove Any User.

User can Remove any User in the Account.

  1. Can Impersonate Users.

User can Impersonate other Users with the "Impersonate" action.

Groups General

  1. Can View All Groups.

User can see all Groups in the Account.

  1. Can Create Groups.

User can add new Groups to the Account.

  1. Can Edit All Groups.

User can edit any Group in the Account.

  1. Can Remove All Groups.

User can Remove any group in the Account.

  1. Can Assign Users to Groups.

User can Add/Remove other Users from Groups.

  1. Can Edit Group Rights.

User can edit the Rights for any Group in the Account.

Tasks General

  1. Can View Tasks.

User has access to the "Tasks" page, and can view Tasks they have been assigned.

  1. Can Create Tasks.

User can create new Tasks.

  1. Can Modify Tasks.

User can modify existing Tasks they have been assigned.

  1. Can Archive/Remove Tasks.

User can archive/remove existing Tasks they have been assigned.

  1. Can Receive Offers on Tasks.

User can receive and accept role offers for a Task.

  1. Can Edit Offers on Tasks.

User can offer roles in a Task to other Users.

  1. Can Create Tasks from Briefs.

User can create new Tasks using the Briefs page.

Tasks Admin

  1. Full Access to Tasks.

User has full access to all Tasks in the Account.

Asset Facial Recognition

  1. Can Run Face Detection on Assets.

User can run Face Detection on Assets they have "Full Access" on.

  1. Can Tag Faces on Assets.

User can tag faces on Assets they have "Full Access" on.

  1. Can Run Dectection on Any Asset.

User can run face detection on any Asset, even without permission on the Asset.

  1. Can Tag Faces in Any Asset.

User can tag faces on any Asset, even without permission on the Asset.


  1. Can View Brand Guidelines.

User can view Brand guidelines that they have "Can View" permission on.

  1. Can Edit Brand Guidelines.

User can edit Brand guidelines that they have the "Can Edit Sections" or "Full Access" permission.

  1. Can Create Brand Guidelines.

User can create new Brand guidelines.

  1. Can Archive & View Archived Brand Guidelines.

User can archive brand guidelines that they have 'full access' on, and view archived guidelines that they have at least view access on.

  1. Can Remove Brand Guidelines.

User can remove Brand guidelines that they have "Full Access" permission on.

Brands Admin

  1. Can View All Brand Guidelines.

User can view all Brand guidelines.

  1. Can Edit All Brand Guidelines.

User can edit any Brand guideline.

  1. Can Remove All Brand Guidelines.

User can remove any Brand guideline.

Projects General

  1. Can view Projects.

User can view Projects under Object Recognition.

  1. Can Create Projects.

User can create Projects under Object Recognition.

  1. Can Edit Projects.

User can edit Projects under Object Recognition.

  1. Can Remove Projects.

User can remove Projects under Object Recognition.

Consents General

  1. Can View Consented Assets.

User can view Assets that have a Consent status of approved or partially approved.

  1. Can View Consented and Non-Consented Assets.

User can view Assets of all Consent status.

  1. Can Request Consent.

User can send request for Consent.

Consents Admin

  1. Can Edit Consent.

User can update Consent of any Asset.

  1. Can View All Consent Approvals.

User can view the Consent approvals table.

Approval Templates

  1. Can View Approval Templates.

User can view Templates in Approvals, and can select Templates for Asset Approvals.

  1. Can Create Approval Templates.

User can create new Templates in Approvals, or from an Asset Approval.

  1. Can Update Approval Templates.

User can update existing Templates in Approvals.

  1. Can Remove Asset Approval Templates.

User can remove existing Templates in Approvals.

Last updated

#154: Update "Upload New Asset" page

Change request updated